No, I didn't hire a freakishly small maid. I'm just teaching my 15-month old how to pull her own weight. I figure once I get Sophie doing all of my housework, she can take care of the cleaning and I can take care of the running. I don't know why I didn't have a child sooner! (The system isn't perfect yet. After we finished the laundry, she went up to her bedroom and threw all of her books on the floor.)
There won't be any outdoor running around here for the next 24+ hours. Predicted temp tomorrow morning? Twenty below. Windchill? Fifty below. Gotta love this state. I got in my Jillian Michaels fix tonight and I'm planning on yoga for tomorrow night. Now, I'm off to bed because it's way past my bedtime.
Thanks for all the encouraging comments on my daisy downer post from Monday. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week!
Ha ha...Sophie looks so adorable! Hey, I agree with you...birds fall out of the nest almost immediately after they are born...why not humans?
That is sooooo cute!! LOL. Can she cook too?
Awww...what a cutie!!! I am hating the cold weather too...the treadmill stinks!
Oh, she is just adorable!
And about the weather, BRRR!!! That's just ridiculous cold!
Too cute! Stay warm!
LOL. That's awesome. And cute as a button.
Awww, what a cute little housekeeper!
Stay warm - we're experiencing a chill up here too. Brrr!
What a cutie pie. Stay warm. Honestly my boys are 10 and 12 and they help me lots. It is wonderful.
LMAO!! That's the way to do it!! Child labor baby!! There's no free rides in this house! HAHA
hahaha that is hilarious :) she is SO cute!!!!
That is one ridiculously cute baby. And you're smart to train her young. My moose calves are 19and 17, and I do next to nothing around the house. Child labor is a GOOD thing - it builds character and fosters self sufficiency and important life skills, while freeing up runner-moms for more important things!
Your pictures are adorable! I love following the Mom runner blogs so I will keep it up! :)
How cute is she!!?? Man, I need to train my kids to help out more. I feel your pain on the weather. I can only pray that we get an early nice spring.
My wife and I joke all the time the when we have kids, they will be wearing running shoes as soon as they leave the hospital! I really enjoy your blog and read it all the time. I recently started my own running blog which is really about my life as affected by running. Check it out if you're interested:
Keep up the good runs!
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