That title might be a little misleading. Sorry. But today at 4:00 it was 42 degrees and I ran for the first time in recent memory in just one pair of pants and one long sleeved shirt. No thick Under Armour tights. No gloves. No three shirts and a wind jacket. And no hat. I felt sort of naked. And wonderful.
Apparently the lack of clothes helped me because I had an awesome tempo run. One mile warm up, four miles at mid-tempo pace (which actually turned into a little mini progressive run with each mile a little faster than the last) and one mile cooldown.
Now, I need your help. I got the e-mail today saying I didn't get picked in the lottery for Grandma's half marathon. So I'm trying to decide if I should run the full. The race is June 19th. I'm running the full in Madison Memorial Day weekend, so that would give me less then a month between the two. What do you think?
Sorry that you got the shaft too!
I had to laugh when you said you were thinking of running the full because my friend JUST called me to convince me to run the full. For me, I am going from zero the 26.2 in 15 weeks...I am stubborn enough to do it, but I need more time.
As for you....go for it! you are already in shape for it. I will be up there cheering ya on.
Any interest in TC marathon? I am looking at the sign up right now.
Based on what I see, it looks like you are ready to run a marathon. Just look at it as training for your May marathon. You can do it!
I think it sounds a little risky to go back to back marathons. But, if you feel up to it, go for it!
I say go for it!!!
Yeah it appears spring is here.
Do it Heather!!!! You are a tough and strong can totally do this:) I have faith in you!!
I am loving the weather too!!
Funny how 42 is warm to you, but it's 45 here in South Florida this morning, and that seems frigid to me!
Pants on the ground! (Sorry, it had to be done - I lower my headin shame).
As for Grandma's, I see no issue doing it after Madison assuming you don't over extend yourself running Madison. If you are going for a PR at Madison, you might reconsider.
No problem. Go for it!
Awesome weather! I've been ditching some layers and feeling rather nekkid this week as well!
I say go for the marathon as long as you treat one (or both ) as a FUN RUN!
Run the full. And do it with no pants.
I got all exited when I saw the title because I DO run with no pants (on the treadmill upstairs in a sports bra and underwear)and thought I'd found a kindred spirit lol.
Yay for spring though!! Someday I'll be able to run outside again...
You crack me up! Congrats on the great run and weather!
You can toally do it! The month inbetween the marathons are jus maintenance and you will do fine in the second!
And if you're crazy enough to find one in 30 days after that, you could be a maniac! Whoo hoo!
Love the title!!!! So funny- we here in NJ are expecting a heat wave of 55 this weekend- I cannot wait!
Actually, your first marathon would just serve as your peak long run before Grandma' it could work really well. You'd already have the training in the bag, too.
Just be prepared to feel a bit more tired and try not to PR. According to my friends who have run marathons a month apart, it's surprising how much more energy it takes for a 26 mile race v. 20 mile peak long run. Your body will really feel the need for recovery!
Personally, I'd only do back to back marathons if they were close enough together to qualify for Marathon Maniacs. But, I'm shallow like that... LOL
Dang. You're so ambitious! I'm toying with doing an HM 3 weeks after my full. But you are a seasoned vet so I would expect this over achieving out of you. :p
Tempo Progresso...I like it! Also loving the ambition and your thought process to do the 2 full's... that would be incredible
The two marathons are pretty close together but you could do them. Just be careful not to rush back into it immediately after the first! Sorry about not getting picked for the half ... these big races are so difficult to get into sometimes. But do wear some sort of pants :).
go for it!!!
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