Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Dog Ate My Homework

I can get past all sorts of excuses for not running. It's too cold? Suck it up, it isn't that bad. I'm tired? You'll feel better after you run. I just ate tacos and don't want to crap my pants? Wear a diaper. But I do have one deal breaker, one excuse that never fails to keep me off the road. Forgot the sports bra.

Those of you who are also a little well endowed understand. No, I cannot just wear my regular bra. I'd be covered in bruises from my waist to my forhead, and anyone with the extreme misfortune of observing the bounce-fest would be scarred for life.

Don't worry, I'm not using this excuse to get me out of running completely today. Just changing plans a little. Instead of my usual hill workout, I'll head home (where my sports bra is sitting alone, looking around wondering where the hell my other running clothes went) and run 4 miles with Sophie. And if I'm feeling especially brave, I'll push her up the 1/2 mile long hill that isn't too far from our house.


Running Through Life said...

Very funny lol!

Anonymous said...

LOL. Just as long as you get it done.

tfh said...

I'm sorry you forgot your sports bra! And I'm trying really hard to feel sorry for you for being so well-endowed that it matters. Nah, can't muster that up! ;)

Run Mommy said...

A giggler!

joyRuN said...


I'm with tfh, though - can't empathize since I'm still wearing trainers over here.

MCM Mama said...

LOL at your problem. I have nothing to speak of, so I could probably run braless, but I'd hate to do it to the old girls. Even small ones will sag if you beat them up (but no worries of a black eye here LOL)

Aron said...

lol i am NOT endowed but would not run without a SB either :)

Carly said...

LOL! I have the same issue with the bewbies! If I forget that, I am SOL.

Mel-2nd Chances said...

LMAO... too funny.

Anonymous said...

Funny. I am not well endowed, but I don't think I would be able to workout without a sports bra.

I Run for Fun said...

Ouch! Just the thought of running without a sports bra...and I'm not well-endowed!

Marlene said...

I have run without a sportsbra and it was not pretty. Not at all.

Hope you had a great run with Sophie!

Sarah said...

That is a perfectly valid excuse. I wouldn't even attempt it without one. :) Hope you had a good run!